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Carolina De Bassi designs contemporary jewellery with a variety of materials. Her project starts as a playful experiment, based on the idea of transforming waste material into jewels.

She encourages a reflection on the act of reusing and resignifying waste and the challenge of converting it into new objects, with a new imprint.

As an environmental-committed designer, she creates her products making use of available resources in an eco-friendly manner, minimizing the environmental impact. Her studies in Architecture have provided a smart and delicate approach to the widest range of materials. The raw material for her jewellery includes residual materials from construction sites, the textile and leather industries and more.

Through her designs, material reuse and recycling take a new meaning that diverges from the concept of waste and gets closer to beauty, presenting new shapes and textures.

The central focus is on distinctive design used as a transformation tool to achieve a highly morphologically innovative product.

The handcrafting process yields unique and imperfect pieces with a singular imprint that distinguishes and defines them.


Through the playful processes of each project, she gains knowledge of the material and its morphological possibilities.

The logic behind the productive process lies on sustainability and material recycling.

Shape is an outcome of the study of the raw material.

Beauty lies on recycling, transformation and even on mistakes.

"No me opongo a la forma, sino solo a la forma como fin en sí.(...)

La forma como fin cae siempre en formalismo.

Pues esta búsqueda no se orienta hacia una estructura interna, sino hacia un aspecto externo.

Pero sólo un interior vivo posee un exterior vivo.

Sólo la intensidad vital posee intensidad formal.

Todo cómo se apoya en un qué.

Lo informe no es peor que lo excesivamente formado.

Lo uno no es nada, lo otro es apariencia.

Una forma real presupone una vida real.

Pero no un haber sido ni un haber pensado.

Este es el criterio.

No valoramos el resultado, sino el punto de partida del proceso creativo"

Texto de Mies Van der Rohe

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